Open the image of a jar
And pencils :
Place the pencil layer over the jar as shown :
With pencil layer selected, make a selection as shown :
Press control+x to cut and control+v to paste the layer. Adjust the layer in such a way that it look as its a single pencil layer.
Change the layer mode of new layer to Soft Light :
Click on the original pencil layer to activate it again. Select the portion of the jar, but keeping the pencil layer activated.
Press control+x :
Control+v :
Now, go to filter>Liquify or press shift+control+x from the keyboard. Select Warp Tool , set the brush size according to the layer size. Slightly move the Warp Brush to the right side. We are doing this to have a reflection effect in the glass:
Finally, change this layer's layer mode to Soft Light too. You have successfully placed pencils in the jar :)