Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Add Colors to Butterfly


image 1


Add Colors to Butterfly Tutorial: Final Result

1. Open any black & white picture to which you wants to add colors.

image 3

2. Now select Polygonal Lasso Tool and select the flower.

image 4

3. To give colors to flower i used Hue/Saturation.Open Hue/Saturation Dialogue Box from Image>Adjustments.

image 5

4. Then i used Burn tool to give some shading.

image 6

5. With the same technique, give colors to butterfly and to the remaining picture.

image 7

image 8

image 9

6. To remove the sharpness of edges,duplicate the layer and apply 3px Gaussian Blur. Set its layer mode to Hard Light.

image 10

7. Again Duplicate this layer and set its layer mode to Screen.

image 11

Add Colors to Butterfly Tutorial: Final Result

Paint Job 2

Sometimes we feel the need to change the color of a certain part of an image without manipulating the other colors. This tutorial will show you a real simple, yet effective technique and in this case, the "Hue/Saturation" will certainly work rather well. My professor in college said this couldn't be done. Check it out.

image 1

Using the image above I went to the main menu and selected "Image" then "Adjustments", and lastly "Hue/Saturation."

image 2

The Results!!!

I trust this tutorial wasn't to confusing for you. Working from the top of the above illustration to the bottom should of helped. I hope you liked this tutorial.

Paint Job 2 Tutorial: Final Result

Chrome your Car

1. Open your image in Photoshop. I am using this TVR Sagaris. It is better to use a black car as the chrome effect comes out a lot better.

image 1

2. Duplicate your layer so you have 2 identical images of your car.

3. On the top duplicated layer, make a selection of your cars body minus the headlights and windscreen and anything else that you don't want to chrome such as the number plate.

You can do this using Quick mask, lasso tool, polygon lasso tool, extraction or which ever way you prefer. I personally use quick mask as its easier to make changes to your selection if you need to.

Spend some time making sure that you get all the edges right as your don't want to start chroming the background of your image too.

4. Once you have the selection click the add layer mask button.

5. Select the layer mask and set the blending mode to Screen. For some people this will be enough of a chrome effect, if not select the actual image on the duplicated image.

image 2

6. Go to Image >> Adjustments >> Levels.

image 3

Play around with the levels until you get what you want, then save your image and you are done.

7. I got this:

Chrome your Car Tutorial: Final Result

I also chromed this Lexus IS 220d:

image 5

Selective Color

Step 1. We load our photo in to Photoshop. Then go to Image/Adjustments/Selective Color.

image 1

image 2

Step 2. In the Selective Color Palette we see a few options.

Color - This select box is used to pick which color you want to adjust in the photo.
(Reds, Yellows, Greens, Cyans, Blues, Magentas, Whites, Neutrals, and Blacks)

Sliders - These allow you to add or subtract 4 different colors within a certain color.
(Cyan Magentas Yellow Black)

image 3

Step 3. Just going thought the drop down of colors and adding and subtracting the 4 colors on the slider to give you a brighter or duller color to your photo.

image 4

The black color selection makes good for removing color out of shadows.

image 5

And my end result. Pretty Simple but effective process.

Selective Color Tutorial: Final Result

I hope you enjoyed the tutorial.

Santa Text (Exclusive Tutorial)

Step 1. Creating background

Start with a new document with 600x400 px. Create a new layer and make a radial gradient going from dark blue to a lighter blue.

Santa Text image 1

Santa Text image 2

Now we are making a snowflake background. Load this snowflake brush set.

Create a new layer. Make your foreground color white. Choose Brush Tool (B), select a snowflake brush you like most and set these parameters:

Santa Text image 3

Santa Text image 4

Santa Text image 5

Santa Text image 6

Also you can play with Opacity. My result so far is:

Santa Text image 7

Create a new layer and repeat this procedure for another snowflake. Repeat this step until you get a desired result.

Santa Text image 8

Choose first layer and go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur. Set radius to 1. Apply Gaussian Blur with radius 2 to a second layer. And now you should get something like this:

Santa Text image 9

These actions will give your background more depth.

Step 2. 3D Text

Create new layer. Choose Horizontal Type Tool (T) and write "S" - first letter of the word "Santa" - with these parameters:

Santa Text image 10

Now select your text layer. Hold Alt and press the right key several times. This will duplicate the layer and move it one pixel to the right.

Santa Text image 11

Now select all the text layer except the original layer and merge them. Move your original layer on top of the copied layer. Go to Blending Options > Color Overlay and set the color to #780A0A. This is my result so far:

Santa Text image 12

To make the letter softer add these settings to the original layer:

Santa Text image 13

Santa Text image 14

And use Blur Tool (R) with the Soft Round Brush (diameter 13px) on the letter:

Santa Text image 15

Create the rest of the word the same way.

Santa Text image 16

Step 3. Creating snow

Create a new layer and go to Blending Options > Inner Glow:

Choose a Brush Tool (B) and open the brush-list in Options Bar. Find "Airbrush Hard Round 9". Then set the foreground color to white. Then start by drawing some snow on the text.

And again use Blur Tool (R) with Soft Round Brush (diameter 13px) on text if you want. This is my result so far:

Santa Text image 17

Step 4. Drawing Stana's Hat

Create a new layer and begin to draw santa's hat.

Go to this tutorial. Try to create something similar to this hat. This is my result:

Santa Text image 18

And now everything you should do is to put this hat on "S":

Santa Text Tutorial: Final Result

This is it. I hope your find this tutorial useful for you web design experiments.

Basic Animation in Photoshop

Step 1- Choose a picture

I used this nice picture that I found on stock exchange (www.sxc.hu3). You can of course use any picture you want. Resize the picture; you can do it at the very end if you want. It helps with the animation.

Step 2- Make it look more suitable.

Now to make a picture have an interesting, dark effect, I like to achieve that by loading the luminosity of the image as a selection and an alpha channel. To do that go to your channels palette. Next ctrl, or command click on the rgb thumbnail to load the luminosity. With that selected, create a new alpha channel.

Click to enlarge
Click to enlarge

Now, with that still selected fill it with white,

Click to enlarge
Click to enlarge

Then go to Select>Inverse and fill it now with black.

Click to enlarge
Click to enlarge

First deselect, next we invert it, Image>Adjustments>Invert, or simply press ctrl or command "I".

Click to enlarge
Click to enlarge

Now, switch back to your rgb layers, create a new layer, go to Select>Load Selection make sure it is set to Alpha 1, click ok.

Click to enlarge
Click to enlarge

You should now have a selection, with the new layer selected, fill it with black. Ok, play with the opacity to your liking, merge the two layers.

Step 3- Create rain

First create a new layer, fill it with a 50% gray or whatever color you want. Now add 400% noise, check Gaussian, and monochromatic. Now rotate the layer 90 degrees. Then go to Filter>Blur>Blur. After that go to Filter>Stylize>Wind. Choose Blast. Run the filter one more time if you like. Rotate the layer back to the original place. To get the white rain drops, simply invert the layer ctrl I

Alright, to make it look like a never-ending pattern, go to Filter>Other>Offset. Depending on your image the settings may vary. Get rid of the line with the clone stamp, or even the patch tool. Now define the layer as a pattern. We are now done creating the rain.

Click to enlarge
Click to enlarge

Step 4 - Animation

Ok, now define the rain as a pattern so go to Edit>Define Pattern. Now you don't need that layer anymore since we saved it as a pattern, delete it or hide it if you want.

Create a new layer, fill it with any color you want, double click on the layer to open the layer styles, choose pattern overlay, the rain you created should be the last on the list. I used soft light for the blend mode, and changed the opacity to 60%. Then go back to the blending options change the fill opacity to 0%.

Click to enlarge
Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge
Click to enlarge

Alright, time for the actual animation. Go to Window>Animation to open up the timeline.

Click to enlarge
Click to enlarge

Click the little clock right next the rain layer name. For me it is called layer 3. That will insert a keyframe, open up the rain layer style box.

Click to enlarge
Click to enlarge

Now, hold down shift and drag down a couple of times to simulate the rain fall. Now move the slider to your desired stop time. For me I set it to 3 seconds. With the slider at the end of your animation do the EXACT same thing you did to the first key frame. Doing so will insert a key frame automatically so don't worry about that.

Basic Animation in Photoshop Tutorial: Final Result (Click to enlarge)
Click to enlarge

Almost done, move your slider left to right and you should see the animation. It will be choppy because the frames are not rendered. To render the frames just hit the space bar. It may take a while, but you should get a smooth animation simulating rain fall, I recommend making the image smaller.


Ok that pretty much covers it. Pretty quick, and easy. If you want to change the direction of the rain, just convert the layer to a smart object and rotate it. You can even add a fade in, but I will show you how to do that in another tutorial:). Play around with it, have fun.