Monday, April 6, 2009

Start by opening an image of an open book.

1. CREATING THE BASECreate page shape using pen tool.

Double click the layer to open layer style window. Apply settings as shown.

Similarly create the facing page.

Open an image of a landscape. Rotate according to the book angle.

Move this layer right above the left page layer in layer order in layer palette. Press Ctrl+Alt+G to create clipping mask.

Duplicate the image and move this layer right above the right page layer. Press Ctrl+Alt+G to create a clipping mask.

Ctrl+Click the layer thumbnail to get the selection. From select menu select modify>>contract. Contract the selection by 3 pixel.

Create a new layer and fill it with black to white gradient in linear mode. Change the layer mode to “Hard Light” and opacity to 30%.

Insert an image of a lady on the beach.

Create selection of the lady using polygon lasso tool. Press Ctrl+Shift+J to cut - paste the selection in a new layer.

Clone the area using clone stamp tool. Select eraser tool with feathered brush settings and erase the area as shown in the image below.

Unhide the lady layer and place as shown in the image below.

Duplicate the layer and remove the lower portion as shown in the image.

Change the layer mode to “Pin Light” and opacity to 50%.

Grungy-Modern Style Signature

Learn how to make a grungy-modern style signature with this tutorial, as shown below in our preview:


Start with a new document 400×175 px fill the canvas with black(#000000).

Brush with your grunge brushes in white on the black

Brush some black on top of the white if you want.

Select some similar colors from your render. Then use a circular gradient like you see. Then filter > render > lense flare, 105 prime and place it where your render will go.

Finally set this layer on overlay.

Make 2 duplicates of your render (ctrl + j)

Place your render on your lense flare and then go to filter > blur > gaussian blur with a setting of 6.

On your other render layer set the layer style to Soft Light

On your last render layer set it to Overlay and then go to image > mode > color balance adjust all the settings until you get yor render the colors of your background.

to add the border go to edit > stroke with black and 5px thick

then go to edit > stroke again with 4px white this time.

this is my final. Just add in your name and you are done.

Sleek Web Content Box

This tutorial will teach you how to create a sleek web content box from scratch in Adobe Photoshop. The final result can be seen below:

Start off with a New Document with the size of 200X250

Make a rectangle with rounded corners (size:5) then in blending options use the default setting on drop shadow but set the distance to 0

Make a smaller rectangle with rounded corners and apply the following styles this is where your content will go.

Make a selection like the one above, by using the polygon tool. to get the diagonal lines hold shift and drag in the direction you want the diagonal line. By holding shift you get a perfectly straight line.

Fill the selection with a gradient I chose a dark blue color.

On a new layer and keeping the same selection from before choose select>modify>contract this will make your selection smaller choose 2 in the contract box. Fill the selection with white and set the layer opacity to 30% then using the rectangle selection select the lower half of the white trapezoid and delete it.

Add a title in the blue trapezoid.

Here is my final result. I have added text links to make it look filled up.

Make an iPod Classic or the New Nano

You will be learning how to create an iPod classic but also you can use the same technique to make an iPod nano.

1. Start by opening a new file: 300*540 px.

2. Make a rectangle with the Rounded Rectangle Tool, using fixed size: 270*452 px and 25 px for Radius.

Photoshop Tutorials. Make the new iPod classic.

3. Right click over the shape and Rasterize it.

Photoshop Tutorials. Make the new iPod classic.

4. Add Inner Glow using #eceeed as color.

Photoshop Tutorials. Make the new iPod classic.

5. Gradient Overlay: #c2c3c7 to #e7e7e7

Photoshop Tutorials. Make the new iPod classic.

6. Stroke: #e3e5e4

Photoshop Tutorials. Make the new iPod classic.

7. And you should have something like this:

Photoshop Tutorials. Make the new iPod classic.

8. Now create a New Layer and make 2 selections like shown below.

Photoshop Tutorials. Make the new iPod classic.

9. We’re going to make a Linear Gradient for both, #b0b1b4 to transparent for the firts one and #767b7f to transparent for the second one, then change the Opacity to %70 and press Ctrl + D to deselect.

Photoshop Tutorials. Make the new iPod classic.

10. Now while pressing Ctrl, click over the thumb of the first layer then create a new layer and fill with #767b7f, deselect it and go to Filter/Artistic/Film Grain.

Photoshop Tutorials. Make the new iPod classic.

11. Change the mode to Soft Light.

Photoshop Tutorials. Make the new iPod classic.

12. Now you iPod should look like this:

Photoshop Tutorials. Make the new iPod classic.

13. After that we’ll make the Click Wheel, make a circle withe the Elliptical Marquee Tool using 165px as Fixed size.

Photoshop Tutorials. Make the new iPod classic.

14. Fill it with #f9fafc as color and deselect it.

Photoshop Tutorials. Make the new iPod classic.

15. Now select the first shape, as you did it in the Step 10 and Align the circle with the button Align Horizontal Centers (Be sure you have the Move Tool(M) selected).

Photoshop Tutorials. Make the new iPod classic.

16. Then move the circle while pressing Shift until place it as shown below.

Photoshop Tutorials. Make the new iPod classic.

17. Add a Stroke, #b2b6b9 as color.

Photoshop Tutorials. Make the new iPod classic.

18. Now we’re going to make a smaller circle using the same process we used in the Step 13 but now put 59px as Fixed size and fill it with any color. Deselect it and select the bigger circle (the same way as you did before) and Align it using Align vertical centers and Align horizontal centers.

Photoshop Tutorials. Make the new iPod classic.

19. Add it a Gradient Overlay: #e7ebee to #b9bec1

Photoshop Tutorials. Make the new iPod classic.

20. And a Stroke: #d5d5d5

Photoshop Tutorials. Make the new iPod classic.

21. So far your iPod should look like this:

Photoshop Tutorials. Make the new iPod classic.

22. Write Menu, using Segoe 11pt in #a8adb3 and select Strong as a/a (anti-aliasing).

23. Use Align top edges and Align vertical centers to align it then deselect it and while pressing Shift hit the Key Down on your keyboard.

Photoshop Tutorials. Make the new iPod classic.

24. Now using the Preset Shapes using 8*6px to Fixed size and #aab3ba as color, then Rasterize it and go to Edit/Transform/Rotate 90° CCW. Duplicate it and move it 6px to the left and press Ctrl + E to Merge Down.

Photoshop Tutorials. Make the new iPod classic.

25. Make rectangle 2*9 px and fill it with the same color and Merge it down.

Photoshop Tutorials. Make the new iPod classic.

26. Now align it using the same process you used to Align the text and duplicate the layer, align it and make the Play / Pause button using the same technique.

Photoshop Tutorials. Make the new iPod classic.

27. Create a New Layer then make a Rectangle using Fixed size 224*168 px and paint it White and align it: Align horizontal centers and move it down until get something like this:

Photoshop Tutorials. Make the new iPod classic.

28. Add a Stroke: #000000 4px.

Photoshop Tutorials. Make the new iPod classic.

29. Create a New Layer then make a rectangle: 111*14 px and use any color.

Photoshop Tutorials. Make the new iPod classic.

30. Add a Gradient Overlay using the following colors: #808789, #9a989b and #fdfdfd.

Photoshop Tutorials. Make the new iPod classic.

31. Now you have this:

Photoshop Tutorials. Make the new iPod classic.

32. Do the same but now use 111*17 px.

Photoshop Tutorials. Make the new iPod classic.

33. Colors: #0062bb, #006bcc, #53afff and #6bc4ff.

Photoshop Tutorials. Make the new iPod classic.

34. Now you your display looks like this:

Photoshop Tutorials. Make the new iPod classic.

35. Now add some text using Segoe 11pt #000000.

Photoshop Tutorials. Make the new iPod classic.

36. Finally add some details, I won’t explain how to do it because I’m pretty sure you already know how to do it but atleast I’ll give you some tips. For the Battery I used these colors: #67b249, #569635 and #bcf984 and for the Stroke #679454.

Photoshop Tutorials. Make the new iPod classic.

37. And for the Play icon. Inner Shadow.

Photoshop Tutorials. Make the new iPod classic.

38. Outer Glow.

Photoshop Tutorials. Make the new iPod classic.

39. Gradient Overlay: #0d589c, #179cdf, #0d589c

Photoshop Tutorials. Make the new iPod classic.

40. And that’s it, your New iPod Classic and actually you can make an iPod nano using the same process but others sizes, if you have any questions let me know below in the comments.

Photoshop Tutorials. Make the new iPod classic.