Would you like to create stylish logo in disco style? Then this tutorial special for you.
So, lets start! First of all create a new document sized 50×300 pixels. Select some appropriate colors, for example colors of #6a0037, #3f000c and drag a linear gradient.
Ok, now create a new layer, after that use the Polygonal Lasso Tool to make selection as on picture below and fill it with white color:
Remove the selection with Ctrl+D and apply Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur with next presets:
See the result:
Ok, now apply another one Filter > Blur > Motion Blur with similar settings to these:
And now change layer mode to Overlay:
Get out the Horizontal Type Tool and write out something like ‘Disc.’ Don’t add letter ‘o’, we’ll add it later.
In the above image I’ve used AG_Futura (150 pt, Crisp) as my font of choice. Actually, it is commercial, but if you don’t have it, you can easily find a good alternative. Ok, after that apply Drop Shadow and Gradient Overlay layer styles to this layer:
Now we have something like this:
The next step what we need to do is to add some glare to our word. Select the Elliptical Marquee Tool and create selection as shown on the picture below. Then activate the Gradient Tool and a white to transparent gradient, create a new layer and fill in the work area as below.
Ok, now select the text (Ctrl + left click the Layer Thumbnail in the Layers Palette) and press Ctrl+Shift+I to invert selection, after that press Delete to clear inverted selected area.
Remove the selection with Ctrl+D and change layer opacyty to 60%.
Ok, it is time to add letter ‘o.’ I think it will be better way to add disco sphere instead of this letter. First of all we should find some disc shpere clipart. Go to Google images and find some proper picture of it or feel free to use mine. Then bring this picture to our canvas an resize it. Now our logo should look like as below:
After that add the Drop Shadow layer style to our layer:
See the result below:
Ok, it is time to add glares from the disco sphere on the floor. First of all create a new layer, then select the Elliptical Marquee Tool to make selection as on picture below, then fill it with white color:
Remove the selection with Ctrl+D and then press Ctrl+T to transform this white circle:
Duplicate this circle with Ctrl+J and press Ctrl+T to transform it again. Move it a little bit right:
Do the same things a couple of times to get the big circle from little circles as on picture below:
Merge all circles in one layer and press Ctrl+J to duplicate layer. Then move it as shown on my picture below and resize it a little bit with Ctrl+T.
Make the same things three more times.
Ok, now merge all circles in one layer again and change layer mode for this layer to Overlay. After tha move this layer under the layer with disco sphere.
Using the Polygonal Lasso Tool (Feather: 3 px) create selection as below and duplicate selecred area with Ctrl+J:
Apply Color Overlay layer style to the new layer:
See the difference now:
Ok, to finish off the logo I think we should add a little bit more text. Get out the Horizontal Type Tool and write out something like ‘Style’ using color of #fe7390:
Duplicate this layer with Ctrl+J and move it above the text. Change color of the second word to the #e71866:
Duplicate this layer one more time and move the new layer above current text again. Change color of the word to #87023d:
We are almost done with this tutorial. Time to add a couple of small stars on the logo. Create a new layer, then select the Polygonal Lasso Tool and create selection as on picture below, after that fill it with white color:
Remove the selection with Ctrl+D, after that duplicate layer with Ctrl+J and miniaturize star with Ctrl+T:
Merge two of these layers in one, miniaturize it again and duplicate a couple of times:
Ok, we are done with this tutorial. I am happy with the result, hope you to!