Open a new document 500x500 pixels with a white background
Then create a new layer. ( Press Shift+Ctrl+N )
Select Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) and make a selection like mine:
Now set the foreground color to #345581 and background color to #18293d
Select the Gradient tool and draw a line from bottom to top ( keep the Shift key pressed while you draw the line )
Then press Ctrl+D to deselect
Now duplicate this layer and place it under this first one.
To duplicate the layer you have to drag the layer to: Create new layer button:
Then With the arrows keys place this new layer under the old one:
Now we have to create the software box. Please follow my measurements carefully. In case you make some mistakes please undo and change your values appropriate with mine. i have tried a lot of time to create this values for you.
Create a new layer ( Press Shift+Ctrl+N )
Then select Rectangular Marquee Tool and set this values :
Press one time on your document.
Then choose Paint Bucket Tool (G) and fill your selection with grey . i have used #636363
I will use 2 different colors so i can explain better on which one we will work.
After you have filled the document with grey press Ctrl+D to deselect.
Now go to Edit > Transform > Perspective.
Then with the Move Tool selected drag the bottom left corner of the grey shape to the top. be sure you have this value :
Note: First you have to drag the bottom left corner of your document , and after that you can change the value to -19.0 or maybe -19,3
Do not forget to press enter !
Now let's create the second part of the box.
Create a new layer ( Press Shift+Ctrl+N )
Then select Rectangular Marquee Tool and set this values :
The same as above set the color to white ( or something close to white #eaeaea ) and with the Paint Bucket Tool press one time inside your selection.
Then press Ctrl+D to deselect
Select move tool and go to Edit > Transform > Perspective
In the next photo you will see how to drag the second part of the box ( the white part )
When you drag the right bottom of the white shape you can use this values:
Then after your are happy press enter.
We are almost done. we have to add only the mirror of the software box.
To create the mirror select the grey shape and duplicate the grey layer and place the duplicate layer with the down arrow key like in the following image.
Then go to Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontal .
Next step is to reduce the opacity to 50 %
Now you can do the same with the white part of the box software. i assume you know how to do this. Follow the steps above.
You should have something like me:
You can see that the mirror is to sharp. we will fix this in one moment.
Press D ( to change the colors to white and black )
Select the Grey bottom part of the box - the grey mirror of the box )
Press on Add Layer Mask
Select Gradient Tool and draw a line on the bottom grey part ( do not forget to keep the Shift key pressed while you draw the line )
Do the same with the white part.
Here is my final image:
Of course you can add more details on this software box.
You can see what i have done in 5 minutes: